Good Morning Gordy

Good Morning Gordy The following is an excerpt from my thought diary while logging some miles with Gordy. Through conversation and minimal research, I’ve determined Gordy started not only the Western States 100 mile running race, but also ultra distance trail running in the United States as we know it. Gordy starts: I’d fallen in with bad company. We weren’t bad, really, just bored. My friend John got caught stealing a candy bar and it just so happened that, at one time or another, we had also relocated a couple delineators. John went on house arrest; eventually he got antsy and started giving names. Local authorities came to my house, arrested me, and put me on probation. Pretty soon after that my mom said: “Let’s move Gordy to the country”. *** Gordy is tall, much taller than me, with big hands, big legs and long gray hair that blends with a big bushy grey beard. Gordy was the first person in the United States, and likely ...